Your Time to Play
Recreate with music. RE-create your life.
Here are some of the music fundamentals taught in Your Time to Play:
- Introducing the music staff
- Measures and bar lines
- The time signature
- Beginning hand positions
- Rests
- Notes on the treble and bass staves
- Duration to the eighth
- Dotted notes
- Dynamic symbols
- Intervals
- Key signatures
- Musical phrasing
- The diatonic scale
- Building major scales
- Intervals of the major scale
- Meter including compound and irregular times
- Note stem direction
- Leger notes
- The elements of music
- The science of sound
- About the piano
- Sharps, flats and naturals
- Half and whole steps
- Musical terms
- Grace notes
- 1st & 2nd endings, repeat bars
- Triads of the major scale
- The metronome
- Italian terms
- Composition analysis
- Preparing for performance