Your Time to Play

Recreate with music. RE-create your life.


I know nothing about music?
‘Your Time to Play’ was designed with you in mind. The course begins with the assumption that you have no musical background and incrementally adds to the basics with constant review of facts already learned. Everything is clearly explained in layman’s terms and carefully demonstrated on the recordings.

I can’t afford a piano?
Start on a keyboard! For the cost of your monthly vitamins you can pick up a portable keyboard package from your local music store and be on your way to better health. 

What if I’ve already had some piano?
Since various music methods introduce theory concepts in different sequences, it is advisable to begin with Book One of this series. You will most likely find the work easy, move through the lessons quickly, and may even discover a new understanding of facts that you previously learned.

Do you have a question? Submit here and we will get back to you with an answer.